Saturday 5 March 2011

P7 - Week Beginning 7 Mar 2011


: complete your allocated Literature Circle role please.

  • Summariser: full summary of agreed pages.
  • Word Wizard: words, page numbers and definitions.
  • Illustrator: a picture to sum up the pages read, plus caption/labels.
  • Question Writer: try to think of challenging- 'fat' - questions and how you would answer them.
Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.
Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde


Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on words ending in 'ent' or 'ant'. These may be found at:

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:

  • research at least another 4 words ending in 'ent'or 'ant'; try to choose challenging words to add to your list, or
  • 4 personal words (errors) from previous weeks.
Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

P7H list
For those pupils working on tricky personal spelling words, they should learn words 1 to 6 from the above list and the words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

P7L list
Another super week last week- well done P7L! This week our spelling words end in either -ant or -ent, plus 4 personal words (errors) or an extra 4 -ant, -ent words. Try to choose challenging words to add to your list.

Literacy / Maths
Thursday 3rd March was World Book Day and Saturday 5th March was World Book Night, when one million books started to be given away by an army of passionate readers to members of the public across the UK and Ireland.

Maybe you have been fortunate in your family and received one of these books.

Your task is to undertake a survey and discover how many books you have in your house. This will help us understand the importance of books in our lives and what types of book are more common.

You should use the following categories for your count.

Fictional Books (novels) - (Note - we are not categorising by genre).
1. Suitable for children up to the end of Primary School.
2. Suitable for Senior School children and adults.

Non-Fiction Books (Functional Books) -
1. Instruction Books (eg cookbooks, instruction manuals, home improvement books).
2. Maps
3. Reference Books (eg information book, encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus).
4. Others (used if you cannot categorise your book into the above headings).

Numeracy and Mathematics

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -

All groups have a problem solving task.
To prepare for the tuck shop some of you have been given tasks related to Money.

The Rhombus group should work on the site - White Elephant Shop, change from £20.

Quadrilaterals are tasked with working with negative numbers.

P7 L
Log in to There is 1 task related to Algebra and 1 task linked to mixed problem solving. Hint: you may need scrap paper and a pencil handy to do some of the working out.

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