Bugsy Malone Lyrics

Bugsy Malone Lyrics

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Bugsy Malone

Lyrics in YouTube -- Lyrics finish at 1 min 35 secs

He's a sin-ner
Can-dy coat-ed
For all his friends
He al-ways seems to be a-lone
But they love him
Bug-sy Ma-lone

Ci-ty slick-er
He can charm you
With a smile.... and a style all his own
Ev-‘ry-bo-dy loves that man...
Bug-sy Ma-lone

(if in BOLD – faster)
Hot head-ed Bug-sy makes his mind up
Don't mess with Bug-sy or you'll wind up
Wishing you'd left well e-nough a-lone
He's a man, a moun-tain
He's a roll-ing stone
And will he leave.... you
Sad and lone-ly, crying?
I could-n't say..., but it's known
That ev-‘ry-bo-dy wants that man....
Bug-sy Ma-lone

Fat Sam's Grand Slam 

Lyrics in YouTube  -- NOTE - only lyrics up to 1 min 45 secs

An-y-bo-dy who is... an-y-bo-dy will soon.... walk through that door...
At Fat Sam's Grand Slam... Speak – ea-sy....
Al-ways a-ble to find... you a ta-ble, there’s room... for just one more
At Fat Sam's Grand Slam... Speak – ea-sy...

Once you get here, feel the good cheer,
Like they say in the poem.
Fat Sam's ain't hum-ble
But it's your home sweet home.
Plans are made here,
games are played here,
I could write me a book....
Each night as-tounds you....
Ru-mours are a-buz-zing,
sto-ries by the doz-en.
Look a-round you, cousin, at the news we're mak-ing

An-y-bo-dy who is... an-y-bo-dy will soon.... walk through that door...
At Fat Sam's Grand Slam... Speak – ea-sy....
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da......
Hoo ya... Hoo ya... Hoo da da da da.....

See the pol-i-ti-cian
Sit-tin’ by the kit-chen
Said he caught his fin-gers
in the well he was wish-in’.
Once you get here
feel the good cheer
like they say in the poem
Fat Sam's ain't humble but it’s your home sweet home
plans are made here
games are played here
I could write me a book
each night astounds you
rumours are a-buzzin
stories by the dozen
look around your cousin at the news we're making

Bad Guys

Lyrics in YouTube

We could-'ve been an-y-thing that we want-ed to be....
But don't it make your heart glad
That we de-cid-ed?  A fact we take pride... in
To be-come the best at being bad

We could-'ve been an-y-thing that we want-ed to be....
With all the ta-lent we had
No doubt a-bout it. We whine and we pout... it
We're the ve-ry best at be-ing bad guys....

We're rot-ten to the core....
And my con-grat-u-la-tions, no one likes you an-y-more....
Bad guys,.... we're the ve-ry worst,
Each of us con-tempt-i-ble, we're crit-i-cised and cursed.
We made the big... time, mal-i-cious and mad....
We're the ve-ry best at be-ing bad.

We could-'ve been an-y-thing that we want-ed to be....
We took the ea-sy way out...
With lit-tle train-ing, we mas-tered complain-ing.
Man-ners seemed un-nec-es-sa-ry,
We're so rude, it's al-most sca-ry

We could-'ve been an-y-thing that we want-ed to be....
With all the ta-lent we had.....
With lit-tle prac-tice, we made ev-‘ry black- list
We're the ve-ry best at be-ing bad
We're the ve-ry best at be-ing bad
We're the ve-ry best at be-ing bad.

I'm Feeling Fine

Lyrics in YouTube

I'm... feel-ing fine,
Filled... with e-mo-tions
Strong-er than wine,
They give me the no-tion
That this strange new feel-ing
Is some-thing that you're.... feel-ing too............
Mat-ter of fact,
I'm forced to ad-mit it,.....
Caught..... in the act, and may-be we've hit it.
Is this strange new feel-ing
Some-thing that you're...... feel-ing                           too...........

My Name's Tallulah

Lyrics in YouTube

My name is Tal-lu-lah
My first rule of thumb..
I don't say where I'm go-ing
Or where I'm com-ing from
I try to leave a lit-tle rep-u-ta-tion be-hind... me
So if you real-ly need to,
You'll know how to find.... me.

My name is Tallulah
I live till I die
I'll take what you give me
And I won't ask why
I've made a lot of friends
In some exotic places
I don't remember names
But I remember faces

You don't have.... to be lone-ly.....
Come and see Tal-lu-lah
We.... can chase your trou-bles a-way.....
If you're lone-ly......
You don't have.... to be lone-ly.....
When they talk..... a-bout Tal-lu-lah
You know what they say.....
No one south of Hea-ven's
Gon-na treat you fin-er
Tal-lu-lah had her train-ing
In North Car-o-li-na.

My name is Tallulah
And soon I'll be gone
An open invitation
Is the road I'll travel on
I'll never say goodbye
Because the words upset me
You may forgive my going
But you won't forget me.

REPEAT -     BOLD verse above

So You Wanna Be A Boxer

Lyrics in YouTube

So you wan-na be a box-er
In the gold-en ring
Can you punch like a south-bound freight train?
Tell me just one thing

Can you move in a whirl like a hum-ming bird's wing
If you need to?
Can you bob, can you weave
Can you fake, and de-ceive when you need to?

Well, you might as well quit
If you have-n't got it.

So you wanna be a boxer
Can you pass the test?
I can tell if you've got it in you
I've trained the best.

When you work and you sweat and you bet
That you train to a buzz-saw,
Then you near lose your mind when you find that
Your boy has a glass jaw.

So you might as well quit
If you haven't got it.

Put him in the ring, Joe
Look at what you found
We can use the fun, Joe
Push-ing him a-round.
Well show him the ropes.....            
And des-troy his hopes.......

Put him in the ring, Joe
Give the guy a chance
Let him feel the sting, Joe
We can make him dance.
We'll pulp him to bits.....
Then he'll call it quits..... for sure, Joe.

So you wan-na be a boxer
Wan-na be the champ
There's a golden boy inside you
Not a punched-out tramp

If you listen and you learn
There's an honour you can earn and defend here
When you do see the crown
You're a king, not a clown
A contender

But you might as well quit
If you haven't got it

Put him in the ring, Joe
Something new to punch
Let me have a swing, Joe
Then we'll go to lunch
We'll make it quite swift
Then he'll get the drift.

Put him in the ring, Joe
Chicken a la carte
Let me have a wing, Joe
Tearing him apart
That chicken will crow

Oh, let me have him, Joe

Down & Out

Down, down, down, down,    down, down, down and out.
Down, down, down, down,    down, down, down and out.
Down, down, down, down,    down, down, down and out.
Down, down, down, down,    down, down, down and out.

You don't have.... to sit a-round
Com-plain-ing 'bout.... the way your life has wound up
Think of all... the time you waste
And time's a prec-ious thing.... to let go by.

Sure you've hit the bot-tom
But re-mem-ber you'll be build-ing from the ground up
Ev-'ry day's an-oth-er step....
That takes you ev-en clo-ser to the sky. So give a try.

Down, down, down, down,    down, down, down and out
Down, down, down, down,    down, down, down and out.

You don't have... to sit a-round....
De-pressed a-bout.... the way that luck de-ceived you.
For-tune sailed.... a-way, you missed that boat
And found that you'd.... been left be-hind.
Fight and fight some more
Un-til you know the world is rea-dy to re-ceive you.
La-dy luck's is fick-le
But.... a la-dy is al-lowed to change her mind.

You don't have.... to sit a-round.....
Com-plain-ing 'bout the way your life has wound up.
So be a man...., you know you can't be cer-tain
That you'll lose un-til you try

You don't have to sit around
Complaining 'bout the way your life has wound up
So be a man you know you can't be certain
That you'll lose until you try, so give it a try

We as one shout  Up, up, up and out
                                      (Repeat and fade about 9 times)

You Give a Little Love

We could've been anything
That we wanted to be
And it's not too late to change.
I'd be delighted to give it some thought
May-be you'll agree that we really ought.
Two... three.... four....

We could've been anything that we wanted to be
Yes, that decision was ours
It's been decided we're weaker divided
Let friendship double up our powers

We could've been anything that we wanted to be
And I'm not saying we should,
But if we try it, we'd learn to abide it
We could be the best at bein' good guys

Flowers of the earth
Who can even guess how much
A real friend is worth?
Good guys, shake an open hand
Maybe we'll be trusting
If we try to understand
No doubt about it
It must be worthwhile
Good friends do tend to make you smile

We could've been anything that we wanted to be
Yes, that decision was ours
It's been decided we're weaker divided
Let friendship double up our powers

                                   (Repeat and fade – about 4 times)
You give a lit-tle love
And it all comes back to you....
(Da da da ra da da da)
You know you’re gon-na be re-mem-bered
For the things that you say and.... do.....
(Da da da ra da da da)

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