Friday 26 February 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 1 Mar 2010



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on Maths calculation and shape vocabulary words. These may be found at:

(or you can use the link - and select the Maths -More Calculation & Shape Vocabulary - 1 Mar list).

Literacy / Maths

Thursday 4th March is World Book Day. Your task is to undertake a survey and discover how many books you have in your house. This will help us understand the importance of books in our lives and what types of book are more common.

You should use the following categories for your count.

Fictional Books (novels) - (Note - we are not categorising by genre).
1. Suitable for children up to the end of Primary School.
2. Suitable for Senior School children and adults.

Non-Fiction Books (Functional Books) -
1. Instruction Books (eg cookbooks, instruction manuals, home improvement books).
2. Maps
3. Reference Books (eg information book, encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus).
4. Others (used if you cannot categorise your book into the above headings).

You should present your information in a neat table. (You could use tally marks to help you keep count).

P7 A
Square Group - To investigate weight - 1 tonne = 1000kg
Use activities set up on smart kiddies - .

Circle PLUS
To consolidate understanding of long multiplication
Use activities set up on smart kiddies - .

To discover calculations for perimeter
Use activities set up on smart kiddies - .

To consolidate understanding of finding area using a grid and units of measure used.
Use activities set up on smart kiddies - .

Use the Shop Game to calculate change for items you buy with £5, £10 or £20 note.

P7 B

This week, each group will be working on the above website, which is linked to measure, shape and space .The activities include games and quizzes which are organised in three levels covering the following topics-Time and dates

Area and perimeter


Length and weight

Think carefully about your maths targets -which sections would you benefit from working on? Begin at the first level then work your way up to the level we have worked on in class.
Perhaps you could check your skills and knowledge by working through each section over the next two weeks.

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