Sunday 7 March 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 8 Mar 2010



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on those ending with 'ant' and 'ent'. These may be found at:

(or you can use the link - and select the Words with - ant, ent endings - 8 Mar list).

Literacy / Maths / Social Studies

Continuing on from the survey work undertaken last week.

Results from 15 of the houses surveyed have been collated onto a spreadsheet found at:

You should analyse this information using your knowledge of Maths to determine:

1. The average (mean) number of book types in each house. (The average children's books has been calculated for you as an example).

2. The average number of books in total in a house.

3. The range of the book types found in each house. (This has been identified for the children's books).

It is important in Social Studies work that you can critically look at some data and form an opinion on what the data is "telling" you. For example, is the data what you expected, if not then what might be the reasons for the difference.

Critically look at the data and answer the following.

4. Some houses have zero or very few maps - why do you think they have a small number?
5. One house has a very large number of maps compared to the others - why do you think they have a lot of maps?

Fiction - Children vs Senior/Adult
6. Which is most popular in a house, children or senior/adult?
7. Why do you think this is the case?

8. Children's books appear to have the greatest range, why do you think this is the case ?
9. What might affect the number of children's books in a house?

Based on the number of books identified in the survey, you might conclude that books are important to these houses.

10. Why do you think they are important?
11. What advantages/benefits can you think of for having books ?
12. Today, so much information is available electronically (digitally), for example on the Internet. Can you think of any advantages/benefits of using electronic books, rather than paper ones?

13. Find one other fact, or provide one more opinion based on the data.

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