Tuesday 4 June 2013

P7 - Wed 5 June 2013

THE FOCUS for Homework from now is SHOW SHOW SHOW

P7 Show
Now that the final script has been issued and parts allocated it is essential that you are preparing yourself for the show, be it:
  • knowing the script by heart
  • knowing the songs
  • having created a movement routine  

Remember there is only 3 weeks to go until the opening night.

P7 Music for Show
To support the P7 performance to the parents, you will be singing 2 extra songs. We need to decide which songs you would like to sing.
You need to identify 2 special songs you think would be a good idea to use.
They should be special to you and the year group, for example
  • a song learnt by all to support an assembly
  • a song which helps you remember a special time at primary school
  • a song sung when at Lagganlia, etc

 Hopes and Dreams
As part of the transition work for High School you are to prepare resources to support the creation of your own unique mask.

The theme is Hopes and Dreams. Your mask is to reflect your hopes and dreams for the future. This could be:
  1. A dream career.
  2. An adventure you would like to have.
  3. A place you would like to visit.
  4. Something you would like to change in the world.
  5. Events which make you happy.
  6. Or any other area associated with Hopes and Dreams.
Your mask could reflect more than one of the above, being a combination of a few ideas.

To support this you will need to:

Investigate and gather pictures, ideas by searching on the Internet, looking in magazines etc, to source  ideas for your design which you find inspiring, these could then be used as a stimulus to your final design.

Remember - you are not designing your mask at this stage. You are collating a portfolio of resources in your jotter which you will use as a stimulus in your design.

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