Thursday 23 May 2013

P7 - Wed 22 May 2013

P7H - Emotions Project

You have been working on an emotions project with Miss Holburn where you have had the opportunity to  discuss various emotions associated with moving on to High School and how to manage situations of change.


We have also reviewed artists work and how they portray emotion in art before learning various art techniques (with a focus on line and colour) to convey emotion.


The final piece of work was a self portrait conveying emotions using investigated art techniques.

For Monday 27th please prepare a short (2 minute) presentation discussing your final piece of work and what it shows. Please also add in what you have learnt and enjoyed during the project as well as anything you would change.


Library Books

P7 have been requested to return their library books next week.
P7H - Library slot Monday 27th
P7C - Library slot Friday 31st

PLEASE remember your book - thank you.

P7 Show
Now that the final script has been issued and parts allocated it is important that you are preparing yourself for the show, be it:
  • knowing the script by heart
  • knowing the songs
  • having created a movement routine  

Over the coming weeks this part of the homework will focus on learning your words - either for a part or the lyrics to a song.

The first few songs to learn can be viewed and played on YouTube:

Links to YouTube -

Bugsy Malone -- Lyrics finish at 1 min 35 secs
Fat Sam's Grand Slam  -- NOTE - only lyrics up to 1 min 45 secs
Bad Guys
I'm Feeling Fine
My Name is Tallulah
So You Wanna be a Boxer
Down and Out
You Give a Little Love

The lyrics are also on this BLOG at


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