Sunday 21 April 2013

P7 - Wed 17 April 2013


During the final term in P7 you will be reading a book selected by yourself, where you will be provided with the opportunity to report back to others in the class on your personal experiences.  

P7C /P7H

On going reading throughout the week, following your own literacy plan created for your own personal book study.

Remember, you will need to be ready to report back to a selection of the class on what you have discovered/analysed about your book. 

P7H - You will report back to the class on  Thurs 25 April

Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented. Thank you.

Enterprise - Cake Sale

You have been absolute stars in deciding that you would like to raise money via a cake sale towards helping less privileged children in the world.

The cake sale occurs on Friday 19th - you need to ensure that you have your bakes ready to sell to the school.

P7 Show
Auditions for the P7 show have started. It is important that you have prepared yourself for the audition, be it:
  • knowing some of the script by heart
  • knowing a song
  • having created a movement routine 
Over the coming weeks this part of the homework will focus on learning your words - either for a part or the lyrics to a song.

Links to YouTube -

Bugsy Malone -- Lyrics finish at 1 min 35 secs
Fat Sam's Grand Slam  -- NOTE - only lyrics up to 1 min 45 secs
Bad Guys
I'm Feeling Fine
My Name is Tallulah
So You Wanna be a Boxer
Down and Out
You Give a Little Love

The lyrics are also on this BLOG at

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