Friday 11 January 2013

P7 - Wed 16 January 2013

This is week 2 of reading your non-fiction text.
You are to create a Book review, use the link to access a template word file to complete.

Word file


Scottish Week

Next week is Scottish Week - during the week we will be studying various aspects of Scotland - to help you prepare for the week you should undertake an investigation into the Clan System.

Statement - Scottish Clans today are more about attracting American dollars than preserving Scottish heritage.

Explain and state your opinion on this statement. Remember you need to provide evidence to help justify your opinion clearly giving reasons why you agree or disagree with this. Talk to other people to help you form an opinion.

You should be prepared to present your findings to the class - target a 2 minute talk. If required you can create resources to help support your thoughts - but as this is a 1 week investigation it is not essential.

Learn Spelling Words for Wednesday 23rd Jan. Words this week are based on 'Scots' vocabulary.
These words may be found at:

All pupils should discover 3 additional Scottish Words to share with the class.

During this term we will be studying newspapers.If you receive a daily newspaper, rather than donate it to the recycle bucket it would be fantastic if you could bring it into school to for the class to use.

Numeracy and Mathematics

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have a task working with number - finding the square, cube, square root etc and pattern work- the next number in a sequence linked to class work.

Remember to target a score of 8/10 or better - until this is achieved the task will remain on your list.

P7 C -  This week in Mathematics and Numeracy P7C will be completing two tasks on number - finding the square, cube, square root etc and pattern work- the next number in a sequence at ;

Remember you can also review your LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.

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