Monday 17 September 2012

P7 - Week Beginning 17 (Wed 19) September 2012

HOMEWORK DATES - These have now changed.

Homework will be discussed in class on Tuesday's during the Literacy Circle Time. It should be completed for:
  • the following Tuesday for Reading
  • the following Wednesday for all non Reading homework.
REMEMBER to get your homework signed - thank you.

REMEMBER - On Tuesday 25th Sept we are visiting Dynamic Earth. During our visit we will be enjoying a film, a workshop on volcanism and plate tectonics and of course a tour of the visitor attraction.

See for a flavour of what to expect.


Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

  • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
  • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 25th September.

All Spelling, Maths, and Earth Structure homework to be completed by WEDNESDAY 26th September.


Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on 'small' words which often cause a problem, many of these are homophones. There are a lot (27, which are grouped into 13 'families') but they are not difficult words to spell, you need to make sure you use the correct spelling within a sentence. 

There are 2 lists of words in spelling city, one grouped to aid learning and the other mixed for the test. - (mixed) - (grouped)

NOTE - You could be tested on these words any time from Wed 26th September.

Topic Work - Structures of the Earth

Carry out your own research to find an interesting natural structure of the Earth. You should:
  • Bring in a photo of your structure
  • Be able to say why you selected the particular structure
  • Provide some facts on your selected structure, eg: background information on how/when it may have been formed.
You will then use this information to create a poster to be displayed in class

Numeracy and Mathematics

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have a task working with money & subtraction linked to class work.

Remember to target a score of 8/10 or better - until this is achieved the task will remain on your list.

This week all groups have 3 tasks.

P7 C -  3 tasks linked to classwork about money & subtraction at ;

LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.  These are held in GLOW, so you will need to Log-On.

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