Sunday 30 September 2012

P7 - Wed 3 October 2012

REMEMBER - DRESS-DOWN day on Friday 12th October


Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

  • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
  • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 9th October.

Groups who have Completed
If you have just completed reading your book, then this weeks task is create a Book Review in electronic format - using WORD, POWERPOINT etc.
A template for a book review can be downloaded from here

Learn Spelling Words for Wednesday 10th Oct. Words this week are based on 'Money' vocabulary.

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
  • research another 3 personal words (errors) from previous weeks / or 3 words of your choice.
Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

In addition you should add 2 personal words that you want to learn (these could be based on errors from previous weeks).

Topic Work - Structures of the Earth

Construct a 3D model of a volcano. The model should show the features of a volcano - which should be labelled. (You may create a labelled diagram to support your model).

NOTE - This is Week 2 of this activity. It is planned to review the volcanoes during the final week of this term and weather dependant to take then outdoors to enjoy their explosive nature.

Follow this link to view some examples:

Numeracy and Mathematics

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have tasks working with area linked to class work.

Remember to target a score of 8/10 or better - until this is achieved the task will remain on your list.

This week all groups have 2 tasks.

P7 C -  This week in Mathematics and Numeracy P7C will be completing two tasks on area at ;

As you only have 2 tasks this week you are expected to spend time on your LEARN-ITS - can you graduate before the October break?
Remember you can also review your LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.

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