Friday 9 December 2011

P7 - Week Beginning 12 Dec 2011

Final Homework of 2011

The main target this week is to complete all outstanding work.


Any outstanding reading books should be completed for the Christmas Break. Any groups still reading should complete the book - they do not require to complete a literacy circle role. However, they should complete a book review, to help others decide if they would like to read the book in the future.

REMEMBER - We will undertake a review of all books in the final week, using your completed sheets to help share the knowledge you have gained with others in the class.

There are no words on Spelling City this week.

You should review the spelling words used in P7 and compile a list of your own personal 10 tricky spelling words. For those who have performed excellently in spelling test they should review their language work to help in completing this list.

You will work with a partner on a daily basis to help you improve with these tricky words.

Topic Work - Structures of the Earth

Construct a 3D model of a volcano. The model should show the features of a volcano - which should be labelled. (You may create a labelled diagram to support your model).

NOTE - This is Week 2 of this activity. It is planned to review the volcanoes during the final week of this term and weather dependant to take then outdoors to enjoy their explosive nature.


Follow this link to view some examples:

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Any outstanding activities in studyladder should be completed.


Thursday 1 December 2011

P7 - Week Beginning 5 Dec 2011


Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

  • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
  • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 13th December.

If you have just completed reading your book, then this weeks task is create a Book Review.

For those who created a Book Review they should read the following poem by Joe Miller.

If the Earth

Then answer the following. (Remember there is no specific correct answer, you should base your response on your personal thoughts of what the poet is wanting to 'say' to the reader).

1. Why do you think the poet shaped the poem like this?
2. What wonders of the world are described ?
3. Some of the features (wonders) of the world are described by the poet using unusual language, for example, 'big pools of water' refer to the sea. Select one of these unusual terms, what does it mean?
4. Why do you think the poet used the unusual term?
5. What is the overall message (main point) the poet is making to the reader?

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on 'Money' vocabulary.

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.


Topic Work - Structures of the Earth

Construct a 3D model of a volcano. The model should show the features of a volcano - which should be labelled. (You may create a labelled diagram to support your model).

NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete the construction of your volcano.

Follow this link to view some examples:

Numeracy and Mathematics 

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have a task working with area area and money linked to class work on your El Hierro project.
Note - The money activities are for small change and not hundreds of thousands of pounds.

P7 L -  
Please find 2 tasks to consolidate our class work on area and money, linked to El Hierro project. Please catch up on any unfinished tasks from last week. Tasks at

Thursday 24 November 2011

P7 - Week Beginning 28 Nov 2011

REMEMBER - On Friday 2 Dec we are visiting Dynamic Earth. During our visit we will be enjoying a film, a workshop on volcanism and plate tectonics and of course a tour of the visitor attraction.

See for a flavour of what to expect.


Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

  • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
  • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 6th December.

If you have completed reading your book, then this weeks task is create a Book Review.

For the 'Pinocchio' team who created a Book Review last week they should read the following poem by Roger McGough.

The New Poem (for 18 words) (by Roger McGough)

New words
Should be used to being
Where they have not yet got.
So this is the poem.

This poem is the words,
So new, have yet
Not got used to being.
Where should they be?

This poem is so new
The words have not yet
Got used to being
Where they should be.

Then answer the following. (Remember there is no specific correct answer, you should base your response on your personal thoughts of what the poet is wanting to 'say' to the reader).

1. Why do you think the poet has used this particular title?
2. What happens to the 18 words as the stanzas progress ?
3. Highlight which lines and phrases which make sense.
4. Find any other way of using the 18 words to make a new statement or question.
5. Explain how the poet has used the words in each stanza so that the poem makes sense to the reader by the time they have finished reading the poem.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on 'Structures of the Earth' vocabulary.

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

Topic Work - Structures of the Earth

Carry out your own research to find an interesting natural structure of the Earth. You should:
  • Bring in a photo of your structure
  • Be able to say why you selected the particular structure
  • Provide some facts on your selected structure, eg: background information on how/when it may have been formed.
You will then use this information to create a poster to be displayed in class

    Numeracy and Mathematics  

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with area area and money linked to class work on your El Hierro project.
    Note - The money activities are for small change and not hundreds of thousands of pounds.

    P7 L -  
    Please complete 2 tasks: 1 linked to area, 1 linked to money at to help with your El Hierro project work in class.

    Saturday 19 November 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 21 Nov 2011


    Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

    In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

    • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
    • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 29th November.


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on Rights and Responsibilities - with a particular focus on supporting others when a disaster occurs.

    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Science - Research / Presentation
    This is WEEK 2 of this research.
    You are to research into an important current scientific breakthrough and report back to the class. This will support you in developing your understanding of the importance of Science in today’s world.

    Your report can be based on a leaflet, powerpoint, poster or written report. These ‘documents’ are to support your findings to be shared with the class.
    Areas you might want to investigate include:
    • Health/Medicine
    • Transport
    • Technology
    • Space
    • Power
    NOTE - This is a 2 week activity. You have until the 24th Nov to complete your research.

    You should also be prepared to explain to the class your research and why you selected this particular break through to report on.

    Numeracy and Mathematics  

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with area linked to class work.
    Note - the Miraculous team have an on-line sheet to complete - can you please print this off when complete.

    P7 L - 
    Please find 2 tasks relating to multiplication by 10 and 100 and by multiples of 10 at

    Friday 11 November 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 14 Nov 2011


    Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

    In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

    • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
    • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 22nd November.


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on 'small' words which often cause a problem, many of these are homophones. There are a lot (27, which are grouped into 13 'families') but they are not difficult words to spell, you need to make sure you use the correct spelling within a sentence. 

    There are 2 lists of words in spelling city, one grouped to aid learning and the other mixed for the test. - (mixed) - (grouped)

    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Science - Research / Presentation
    You are to research into an important current scientific breakthrough and report back to the class. This will support you in developing your understanding of the importance of Science in today’s world.

    Your report can be based on a leaflet, powerpoint, poster or written report. These ‘documents’ are to support your findings to be shared with the class.
    Areas you might want to investigate include:
    • Health/Medicine
    • Transport
    • Technology
    • Space
    • Power
    NOTE - This is a 2 week activity. You have until the 24th Nov to complete your research.

    You should also be prepared to explain to the class your research and why you selected this particular break through to report on.

    Numeracy and Mathematics  

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with place value linked to class work.
    Note - the Miraculous team have an on-line sheet to complete - can you please print this off when complete.

    P7 L - to be set
    Please complete 2 tasks related to class work on Decimals at

    Friday 4 November 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 7 Nov 2011


    Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

    In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

    • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
    • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 15th November.


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on words with a prefix, (in, mis & im) which create an opposite word. These may be found at:

    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Language - Summarising Skills/Functional Writing
    Continue to create a pamphlet which sells Lagganlia. The criteria for the content and layout of the pamphlet are given on last weeks blog entry.

    NOTE - This is the second week of this 2 week activity.

    Numeracy and Mathematics  

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with place value linked to class work.

    P7 L - to be set
    Please find 2 tasks set up relating to Place Value at

    Thursday 3 November 2011

    Spelling City Problems - How to Fix

    In case you are having some problems running spelling city, use the following links to help solve your issue. - continuous loading - try a different browser (explorer, firefox, safari) or may an issue with flash player. - clearing your cache

    You can always contact their technical department to help resolve your issue. Use

    Saturday 29 October 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 31 Oct 2011

    After a fun filled week at Lagganlia, it is time to return to the indoor classroom which includes homework.

    You will be provided with a new reading book this week. You should read regularly, following the plan agreed by your Literature Circle Group.

    You are to read the agreed number of chapters and be prepared to report back to the group following the format discussed in class whilst undertaking the role agreed by your group.

    In addition everyone should be prepared to share any words they have found which are either unusual or you do not understand.

    You MUST also provide a weekly prediction of what you think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 8th November.



    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Maths vocabulary linked to place value which may be found at:

    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Language - Summarising Skills/Functional Writing
    Having been to Lagganlia you will have an excellent knowledge of what makes it such a wonderful place to visit.

    You task is create a pamphlet which sells Lagganlia. The pamphlet should:
    • Be based on A4 paper/card (folded as required).
    • Have a heading.
    • Use sub-headings.
    • You might use a catchy slogan.
    • Be clearly set out (in a logical way).
    • Contain information relevant to the audience.
    • Be eye catching -(attention grabbing pictures)
    • and well organised. 
    You might what to include some details 'summarised' from the Lagganlia website - and some comments from visitors (ie you and your friends) about the 'fun' time you can have.

    NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete this activity.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with place value linked to class work.

    P7 L 
    Please complete 2 tasks linked to number work found at

    Friday 7 October 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 10 Oct 2011

    Topic Work - World War 2 

    VE DAY -

    This is a special week, when we are pleased to announce that World War 2 will come to an end.

    You will need to be ready to celebrate VE day. Remember to come to school on Friday dressed for FUN!


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Active Lagganlia vocabulary which may be found at:

    These words are based on
    • activities you may be involved in
    • how you work together and
    • how you feel.
    We expect to see some of these words being used in your Lagganlia daily diaries.

    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - In class we estimated the distance from Buckstone Primary to Lagganlia using maps. Your task is to use the following Internet websites to:

    Find the distance and estimated time suggested by each website. (found from the 'Get Directions button')

    You should then be able to calculate the average speed the website has used to calculate the time.

    Use  and

    Additional support for 'Bing Maps'

    You will need to use the Post Code for the school - this can be found on

    and the Post Code for Lagganlia, which can be found at:

    Compare the results from the two sites.
    Why do you think they are different?
    Which one do you think is more accurate for calculating the time and why do you think this?

    You could investigate some other travel websites, for example:
    The AA
    The RAC

    P7 L
    Please complete 2 tasks set up on to help with your x tables.

    Thursday 29 September 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 3 Oct 2011


    Reading: Visualization Skill

    It is intended to have a break from Literacy Circle Books until after the October break.

    In support of continuing to develop visualization skills read the following extract from Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    As I was waiting, a man came out of a side room, and, at a glance, I was sure he must be Long John. His left leg was cut off close by the hip, and under the left shoulder he carried a crutch, which he managed with wonderful dexterity, hopping about upon it like a bird. He was very tall and strong, with a face as big as a ham - plain and pale, but intelligent and smiling. Indeed, he seemed in the most cheerful spirits, whistling as he moved about among the tables, with a merry word or a slap on the shoulder for the most favoured of his guests.

    Now,to tell the truth,from the very first mention of Long John in Squire Trelawney's letter, I had taken a fear in my mind that he might prove to be the very one-legged sailor whom I had watched for so long at the old "Benbow". But one look at the man before me was enough. I had seen the captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man Pew, and I thought I knew what a buccaneer was like - a very different creature, according to me, from this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord.

    Your task is to sketch Long John, labelling your drawing with any words or phrases from the passage that contribute to the image you have of him.

    Do you think Long John is a pleasant or unpleasant character ?
    What words from the extract make you think this ?


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Words this week are based on algebra and time vocabulary. These words may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • create an interesting paragraph which uses some of these words, using VCOP techniques.
    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with time linked to class work.

    P7 L
    Please complete 2 tasks linked to class work on time.
    Log into

    Topic Work - World War 2

    Continue to design and manufacture your board game based on the theme of World War 2. Helpful hints on creating the game are given on last week's blog entry.

    NOTE - This is the second week of this 2 week activity.

    You will be expected to have your game in school for Thursday 6th, so that you can play it with others in the class.


    Wednesday 21 September 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 26 Sept 2011



    Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

    In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

    • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
    • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 4th October.


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Words this week are based on World War 2 vocabulary. These words may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • research at least another 4 WOW words you could associate with conflict / resolution
    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with algebra and time linked to class work.

    P7 L
    Please complete 2 tasks linked to class work on algebra and time.
    Log into

    Topic Work - World War 2

    Your task is design and manufacture a board game for 2 or more players based on the theme of World War 2. You will need to think about:
    • What the objective of the game is - how do you win?
    • Create Rules for the game (keep them simple).
    • What materials to make it from so that it is durable.
    • Designed so that it is eye catching.
    • Have a 'powerful' name.
    • How it can help the player discover information about World War 2.
    • If there is any interaction between the players such that a player can gain an advantage.
    • Will the game have a beginning, middle and end (like a great story)?
    • The game must be FUN!
    NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete this activity.
    You will have the opportunity to play your game with other members of the class.

    Tuesday 20 September 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 19 Sept 2011


    Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

    In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

    • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
    • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 27th September.

    You have to give the assembly on Friday this week. As part of this you have agreed to do 2 songs.

    The lyrics for the songs to learn are below. They have been reduced as they are quite long. Enjoy.

    NOTE - These lyrics have been extracted and reduced in length for educational purpose in support of Primary 7 assembly, themed on money.

    Supporting Files are held in GLOW - Assembly-Music

    'I Need a Dollar'

    I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    hey hey
    Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    hey hey
    And I said I need dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    And if I share with you my story would you share your dollar with me

    Bad times are comin and I reap what I don't sow
    hey hey
    Well let me tell you somthin all that glitters ain't gold
    hey hey
    It's been a long old trouble long old troublesome road
    And I'm looking for somebody come and help me carry this load

    I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    hey hey
    Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    Well I don't know if I'm walking on solid ground
    Cause everything around me is falling down
    And all I want - is for someone - to help me

    I had a job but the boss man let me go
    He said
    I'm sorry but I won't be needing your help no more
    I said
    Please mister boss man I need this job more than you know
    But he gave me my last paycheck and he sent me on out the door

    Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    hey hey
    Said need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
    hey hey
    Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need hey hey
    And if I share with you my story would you share your dollar with me
    come on share your dollar with me
    go ahead share your dollar with me
    come on share your dollar give me your dollar
    share your dollar with me
    come on share your dollar with me


    Seems like everybody's got a price
    I wonder how they sleep at night
    When the sale comes first and the truth comes second
    Just stop for a minute and smile

    Why is everybody so serious?
    Acting so damn mysterious
    You got your shades on your eyes and your heels so high
    That you can't even have a good time

    Everybody look to their left
    Everybody look to their right
    Can you feel that? Yeah
    We'll pay them with love tonight

    It's not about the money, money, money
    We don't need your money, money, money
    We just wanna make the world dance
    Forget about the price tag

    Ain't about the cha-ching, cha-ching
    Ain't about the ba-bling, ba-bling
    Wanna make the world dance
    Forget about the price tag

    Why is everybody so obsessed?
    Money can't buy us happiness
    Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
    Guarantee we'll be feelin' alright

    Everybody look to their left
    Everybody look to their right
    Can you feel that? Yeah
    We'll pay them with love tonight

    It's not about the money, money, money
    We don't need your money, money, money
    We just wanna make the world dance
    Forget about the price tag

    Ain't about the cha-ching, cha-ching
    Ain't about the ba-bling, ba-bling
    Wanna make the world dance
    Forget about the price tag

    It's not about the money, money, money
    We don't need your money, money, money
    We just wanna make the world dance
    Forget about the price tag

    Ain't about the cha-ching, cha-ching
    Ain't about the ba-bling, ba-bling
    Wanna make the world dance
    Forget about the price tag

    Yeah, yeah
    Oh, forget about the price tag

    Friday 9 September 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 12 Sept 2011


    Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes on your sheets in support of your allocated role.

    In addition to your role you should always be thinking about:

    • providing a prediction of what you think will happen next, with information which supports your prediction.
    • words you have found interesting/unusual or do not understand.

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 20th September.

    Friday 2 September 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 5 Sept 2011

    This week you will start your regular reading, following the plan agreed by your Literature Circle Group.

    You are to read the agreed number of chapters and be prepared to report back to the group following the format discussed in class whilst undertaking the role agreed by your group.

    In addition everyone should be prepared to share any words they have found which are either unusual or you do not understand.

    It is also helpful to provide a prediction of what you think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

    REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 13th September.

    Friday 26 August 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 29 Aug 2011

    Reading - Visualization Skill

    Read the following extract from Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    The paper had been sealed in several places with a thimble by way of a seal; the very thimble, perhaps, that I had found in the captain's pocket. The doctor opened the seals with great care, and there fell out the map of an island, with latitude and longitude, soundings, names of hills, and bays and inlets, and every particular that would be needed to bring a ship to safe anchorage upon its shores. It was about nine miles long and five across, shaped, you might say, like a fat dragon standing up, and had two fine land-locked harbours, and a hill in the centre marked "The Spy-glass", There were several additions of a later date; but above all, three crosses of red ink - two on the north part of the island, one in the south-west, and, beside this last, in the same red ink, and in a small, neat hand, very different from the captain's tottery characters, these words: "Bulk of treasure here".

    Your task is to create your own treasure map using the information from the above extract. To help, it is a good idea to highlight the words and phrases that describe the location and terrain.

    Why do you think the hill is called "Spy-glass"?

    Sunday 21 August 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 22 Aug 2011

    WELCOME to the P7 Homework Blog.
    Your weekly homework will be detailed on this blog. We hope you will enjoy using the blog for homework - if you can think of anyways to improve the use of the blog then please tell your class teacher.

    ENJOY !



    You are to read and analyse two of the four newspaper articles about the recent riots which occurred in some English cities.

    You should:
    • Highlight VCOP being used.
    • Create a new headline for your two articles.
    • Identify/highlight any words you do not understand so that we can review these in class.
    You should also answer the following questions, remember there is no right or wrong answer,  you should be stating your opinion.
    • Why do you think it was mainly young people who were involved in the riots?
    • Why do you think they got involved?
    • The pictures of the young people have been made fuzzy (so you can't recognise them), why do you think this is done? do you agree with this approach?
    • Create your own WHY type question about these articles/the riots, to be discussed in class.

    Sunday 5 June 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 6 June 2011


    : On going reading throughout the week, following your own literacy plan created for your own personal book study.

    Remember, you will need to be ready to report back to a selection of the class on what you have discovered/analysed about your book. 

    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde

    P7 Show
    To support the P7 show it is important you know the script and music by heart.

    You have all been stars this last week, with some enthusiastic singing and  engaging with the characters in the play.
    Keep up the great work.

    You need to continue to learn the lyrics - These are held in Glow (You will need a sign-on).

    All of the songs and lyrics can be found on GLOW at

    Remember there is only 3 weeks to go until the opening night.

    Saturday 28 May 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 30 May 2011


    : On going reading throughout the week, following your own literacy plan created for your own personal book study.

    Remember, you will need to be ready to report back to a selection of the class on what you have discovered/analysed about your book. 

    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde

    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Words this week are based on Theatre vocabulary. These words may be found at:

    Can you think of 4 WOW! words you would associate with the theatre?

    P7 Show
    To support the P7 show it is important you know the script and music by heart.

    You have all been stars this last week, with some enthusiastic singing and  engaging with the characters in the play.
    Keep up the great work.

    You need to continue to learn the lyrics - These are held in Glow (You will need a sign-on).

    All of the songs and lyrics can be found on GLOW at

    Remember there is only 4 weeks to go until the opening night.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -

    All groups have a task working with fractions linked to class work.

    P7 L
    Please complete 2 tasks linked to class work on Fractions
    Log into

    Friday 13 May 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 16 May 2011


    : On going reading throughout the week, following your own literacy plan created for your own personal book study.

    Remember, you will need to be ready to report back to a selection of the class on what you have discovered/analysed about your book. 

    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Words this week are based on words ending 'ous' or 'ious'. These words may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • research and find at least another 4 words which end in this letter pattern, or
    • 4 personal words (errors) from previous weeks.
    Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

    P7 Show
    To support the P7 show it is important you know the script and music by heart.

    You have all been stars this last week, with some enthusiastic singing and  engaging with the characters in the play.
    Keep up the great work.

    You need to continue to learn the lyrics - These are held in Glow (You will need a sign-on). Remember, every week the list of songs will increase.

    All of the songs and lyrics can be found on GLOW at

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -

    All groups have a task working with fractions linked to class work.

    P7 L
    Please complete 2 tasks linked to class work on Fractions
    Log into

    Thursday 5 May 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 9 May 2011


    : On going reading throughout the week, following your own literacy plan created for your own personal book study.

    Remember, you will need to be ready to report back to a selection of the class on what you have discovered/analysed about your book. 

    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Words this week are based on Parliament /Election vocabulary. These words may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • research at least another 4 WOW words you could associate with winning an election, or
    • 4 personal words (errors) from previous weeks.
    Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

    P7H list
    For those pupils working on tricky personal spelling words, they should learn words 1 to 6 from the above list and the words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    P7 Show
    To support the P7 show it is important you know the script and music by heart.

    You have all been stars this last week, with some enthusiastic singing and  engaging with the characters in the play.
    Keep up the great work.

    You need to continue to learn the lyrics - These are held in Glow (You will need a sign-on). Remember, every week the list of songs will increase.

    Rejoice, Rejoice
    Mischief magic mystery
    Moonlight magic mystery

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -

    All groups have a task working with fractions linked to class work.

    P7 L
    Please complete 2 tasks linked to class work on Fractions
    Log into

    Monday 2 May 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 2 May 2011


    : On going reading throughout the week, following your own literacy plan created for your own personal book study.

    Remember, you will need to be ready to report back to a selection of the class on what you have discovered/analysed about your book. 

    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde

    P7 Show
    To support the P7 show it is important you know the script and music by heart.

    Over the coming weeks this part of the homework will focus on learning your words - either for a part or the lyrics to a song.

    This week you should learn the following lyrics - These are held in Glow (You will need a sign-on).

    Rejoice, Rejoice

    Monday 4 April 2011

    Energy Project

    Energy Investigation

    To support the pupils visit to Boroughmuir - Science Energy Project, they require some background understanding of Energy.
    • Types of Energy
    • Where it comes from
    • How it is converted
    • Advantages/Disadvantages
    • Renewable/Non-renewable
    To support this a series of experiments/investigations are undertaken in class.


    The following are useful websites to support the investigations.

    Details on all energy resources

    Details on renewable energy

    How things work

    Investigation Stations are:
    1. Water Power
    2. Solar Power
    3. Wind Power
    4. Renewable/Non-renewable resources
    5. Pollution
    6. Fossil Fuel Power -
    7. Nuclear Power -

    4. Renewable/Non-renewable resources - uses

    Friday 25 March 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 28 Mar 2011


    : complete your allocated Literature Circle role please.

    • Summariser: full summary of agreed pages.
    • Word Wizard: words, page numbers and definitions.
    • Illustrator: a picture to sum up the pages read, plus caption/labels.
    • Question Writer: try to think of challenging- 'fat' - questions and how you would answer them.
    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.
    Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Vocabulary this week is based on words ending in 'al and ial'. These may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • research at least another 4 words ending in 'al'or 'ial'; try to choose challenging words to add to your list, or
    • 4 personal words (errors) from previous weeks.
    Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

    Topic Work - Comparative Study - Africa / Scotland

    Undertake research into an African country and find some statistical information (facts and figures). You should find the same information for Scotland to allow a comparison.

    You should find 3 sets of information.
    For example:
    Coastline length -
    Kenya 536Km, (ref
    Scotland 13,115 Km (includes islands) (ref:

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -

    All groups have a task working with decimal numbers and
    a task working with data in a table or with a graph.

    P7 L
    Log into and complete the two set tasks: based around working with decimal numbers and data handling, linked to classwork.

    Friday 18 March 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 21 Mar 2011


    : complete your allocated Literature Circle role please.

    • Summariser: full summary of agreed pages.
    • Word Wizard: words, page numbers and definitions.
    • Illustrator: a picture to sum up the pages read, plus caption/labels.
    • Question Writer: try to think of challenging- 'fat' - questions and how you would answer them.
    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.
    Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Vocabulary this week is based on words linked to the Healthy Tuck Shop (it includes some Maths vocabulary. These may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • research at least another 4 WOW words you could associate with describing the landscape in Africa; - these may be words you might want to use in your BIG WRITING this week, or
    • 4 personal words (errors) from previous weeks.
    Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

    NOTE - The spelling list does not display the following words as the Americans spell them differently.

    14. Savoury    (American spelling - savory)
    15. Yoghurt    (American spelling - yogurt and now used greatly by the manufacturers of this product in the UK) See various discussion sites on this on the Internet.

    Topic Work -  Africa - Religion

    Use the internet to help you discover about the main religions are in Africa. Continue your research and find the percentage who follow these main religions in four African countries. You should select one country from the north, east, west and south of the continent.

    Useful websites are
    and  -- select a region, then a country, then in the new pop-up window select 'people'.

    You can complete the table given for homework, or download the Excel file from Glow
    On the example you will see that two different websites have been used to collate information on Kenya, some data is significantly different, why do you think this is?

    If possible, for one of your researched countries find the data from two different sources and see if you have differences similar to those found for Kenya.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -

    All groups have a task working with weight - converting kg to grams and
    a task working with data in a table or with a graph.

    P7 L
    Log into and complete the two set tasks: 1 linked to interpreting data, 1 linked to converting between grams and kilograms.

    Saturday 12 March 2011

    P7 - Week Beginning 14 Mar 2011


    : complete your allocated Literature Circle role please.

    • Summariser: full summary of agreed pages.
    • Word Wizard: words, page numbers and definitions.
    • Illustrator: a picture to sum up the pages read, plus caption/labels.
    • Question Writer: try to think of challenging- 'fat' - questions and how you would answer them.
    Please ensure that your homework is neatly presented.
    Thank you, Miss Lewin / Mr Hyde


    Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

    Vocabulary this week is based on words linked to your African study. These may be found at:

    Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
    • research at least another 4 WOW words you could associate with Africa; - these may be words you might want to use in your BIG WRITING this week, or
    • 4 personal words (errors) from previous weeks.
    Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

    Literacy / Maths / Social Studies

    Continuing on from the survey work undertaken last week.

    Results from 15 houses surveyed have been collated onto a spreadsheet found at:

    You should analyse this information using your knowledge of Maths to determine:

    1. The average (mean) number of book types found in a house. (The average children's books has been calculated for you as an example - 189).

    2. The average number of books in total in a house.

    3. The range of the book types found in each house. (This has been calculated for the children's books - as an example 651).

    It is important in Social Studies work that you can critically look at some data and form an opinion on what the data is "telling" you. For example, is the data what you expected, if not then what might be the reasons for the difference.

    Critically look at the data and answer the following.

    4. Some houses have zero or very few maps - why do you think they have a small number?
    5. One house has a very large number of maps compared to the others - why do you think they have a lot of maps?

    Fiction - Children vs Senior/Adult
    6. Which is most popular in a house, children or senior/adult?
    7. Why do you think this is the case?

    8. Children's books appear to have the greatest range, why do you think this is the case ?
    9. What might affect the number of children's books in a house?

    Based on the number of books identified in the survey, you might conclude that books are important to these houses.

    10. Why do you think they are important?
    11. What advantages/benefits can you think of for having books ?
    12. Today, so much information is available electronically (digitally), for example on the Internet. Can you think of any advantages/benefits of using electronic books, rather than paper ones?

    13. Find one other fact, or provide one more opinion based on the data.

    NOTE - You can either answer questions 1 to 3 on the sheet handed out or the Excel Survey file can be down-loaded from GLOW at -
    (You will need your GLOW user-id/password)

     A list of questions 4 to 13 can be down- loaded from Glow at -