Sunday 21 August 2011

P7 - Week Beginning 22 Aug 2011

WELCOME to the P7 Homework Blog.
Your weekly homework will be detailed on this blog. We hope you will enjoy using the blog for homework - if you can think of anyways to improve the use of the blog then please tell your class teacher.




You are to read and analyse two of the four newspaper articles about the recent riots which occurred in some English cities.

You should:
  • Highlight VCOP being used.
  • Create a new headline for your two articles.
  • Identify/highlight any words you do not understand so that we can review these in class.
You should also answer the following questions, remember there is no right or wrong answer,  you should be stating your opinion.
  • Why do you think it was mainly young people who were involved in the riots?
  • Why do you think they got involved?
  • The pictures of the young people have been made fuzzy (so you can't recognise them), why do you think this is done? do you agree with this approach?
  • Create your own WHY type question about these articles/the riots, to be discussed in class.

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