Thursday 16 August 2012

P7 - Week Beginning 20 August 2012

WELCOME to the P7 Homework Blog.
Your weekly homework will be detailed on this blog. We hope you will enjoy using the blog for homework - if you can think of anyways to improve the use of the blog then please tell your class teacher.




You are to read and analyse two of the five newspaper articles about the recent Olympic games.

You should:
  • Highlight VCOP being used.
  • Create a new headline for your two articles.
  • Identify/highlight any words you do not understand so that we can review these in class.
You should also read and answer the following questions, based on the article:
 "Competitive sport for all primary pupils"
remember there is no right or wrong answer,  you should be stating your opinion.
  • Do you agree with the Prime Minister decision to demand that "EVERY child at Primary School will have to take part in competitive team sports" ? (Thin/Closed Question)
  • Why do you agree/disagree with the Prime Minister? (Fat/Open Question)
  • What are the advantages/benefits of agreeing to this idea.
  • What are the disadvantages/problems if this idea is put in place.

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