Thursday 8 March 2012

P7 - Week Beginning12 March 2012


Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to try and capture notes on ALL your sheets in support of your study.

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 20th March.  

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based vocabulary associated with your African Study. These may be found at:

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
  • research at least another 3 personal words (errors) from previous weeks / or 3 words of your choice.
  • Perhaps you need to improve the following:
  1. sincerely
  2. favourite
  3. I             (NEVER ever spelt 'i' )
    Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

    P7 Useful Word list
    For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

    In addition you should add 2 personal words that you want to learn (these could be based on errors from previous weeks).

    Social Studies Research

    As part of our Africa-Scotland comparison study, in class you have been researching an area of interest about Africa such as animals, culture, food, music, geography etc.

    For homework this week, please research information about Scotland to compare to your African research (so if you looked at African food find out some interesting facts about Scottish food) and collect together as notes.

    Remember to take a note of any books and websites used to be added to the bibliography.

    Your notes will be written up in class so they are for your personal use: use whatever method suits you best e.g. bullet points, mind-map, key words/phrases.

    Numeracy and Mathematics

    P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
    All groups have a task working with decimals linked to class work. NOTE - Some pupils have tasks from previous weeks to review to help improve their score.

    Remember to target a score of 8/10 or better - until this is achieved the task will remain on your list.

    P7 L -  Please complete the tasks at linked to percentages. Please also finish any incomplete tasks. Your aim in all activities is for a score of 8 or more out of ten.

    LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.  These are held in GLOW, so you will need to Log-On.

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