Thursday 19 January 2012

P7 - Week Beginning 23 Jan 2012

Scottish Week

This is Scottish Week - during the week we will be studying various aspects of Scotland - this links very closely to our project work.
Remember you have a special event on Thursday 26th January and you will also require to be part of the Assembly.

You will need to learn the following:

Ye Canny Shove Yer Granny

Loch Lomond

Literacy - MEDIA Studies


We are continuing our study of newspapers. The format will continue as per last weeks homework, reading at least 1 article from a newspaper on a daily basis and reporting back to your group.

To support your journalistic role it would be advantageous to select articles which support the area you have been tasked to complete in the creation of the newspaper at the end of the week.
Points from last weeks blog are copied below:

It would be a good idea to use a highlighter to mark points of interest you want to report back on.

For instance you should identify:
  • Vocabulary - which you think is interesting or maybe you do not understand.
  • Connectives.
  • Openers.
  • Punctuation.
  • Is it FACT or OPINION?
  • Any interesting techniques in the 'headline' eg alliteration, rhyming.
  • Could you think of a better headline.
  • Why you selected this particular article.

If you do not get a daily paper, you will be able to take home some pages from school or you could view some on-line papers and print off the article to bring into school. provides links to all the well known UK daily newspapers is an online newspaper for children age 7 - 14

REMEMBER  you are reviewing TEXT  not AUDIO or VIDEO content

If you receive a daily newspaper, rather than donate it to the recycle bucket it would be fantastic if you could bring it into school to for the class to use.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Words this week are based on 'Scots' vocabulary.

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

Research / Presentation
Our focus this term is divided between investigating Scotland and another country and also exploring the appliance of technology to improve our world.

Continue your research into an influential Scottish citizen who has made significant contribution to enhancing society.

You should be prepared to make a presentation of 1 to 2 minutes in length to inform the class about what you have discovered.

NOTE - This is the second week of this 2 week activity.

This information is to be used as part of the P7 contribution to the Scottish Assembly.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have a task working with DIVIDING  linked to class work. (Remember fractions are a combination of multiplying and dividing)

P7 L -  Please complete 2 tasks about division to help with this week's classwork on Fractions at

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