Friday 29 October 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 1 Nov 2010


Please remember to bring in any 'old' games which would have been played during the Second World War. For example; snakes and ladders, tiddly winks, marbles, ludo and card games - old maid, donkey etc.

Reading - Summarising Skill
(Having studied visualisation and predictions skills, we are now investigating summarising skills).

Follow the link :

This contains various newspaper cuttings from World War 2.

Select two of the newspaper articles (not adverts) and for each:

  1. Write a short paragraph to summarise what it is about.
  2. Identify the - who, what, why, where and when, elements of the article.
  3. Write an alternative headline for the article.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. Active Lagganlia vocabulary which may be found at:

For those pupils working on tricky personal spelling words, they should learn words 1 to 9 from the above list and the 10 words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

P7H list

P7L list

These words are based on
  • activities you may be involved in
  • how you work together and
  • how you feel.
We expect to see some of these words being used in your Lagganlia daily diaries.

Topic Work - World War 2
This is a very special week, when we are pleased to say that World War 2 will come to an end. You will need to be ready to celebrate VE day, remember to come to school on Friday dressed for fun.


P7 H - Have tasks set up Maths website -

Work this week is directions & angles

Our homework this week is linked to class work on angles and compass directions.

Logon to There are 2 tasks set for each group.

Keep up the good work P7L!

NOTE -  Smartkiddies has changed the layout of the website - navigate around the website to see what has changed.

Try and login using - 
You should find it much easier to use than Smartkiddies and more fun as they earn points quicker.

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