Friday 24 September 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 27 Sept 2010



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes in your jotter in support of your allocated role; word wizard, summariser, character analyser, question writer or illustrator.

In addition everyone should provide a prediction of what they think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday. 2D Shape Vocabulary which may be found at: 

For those pupils working on tricky personal spelling words, they should learn words 1 to 9 from the 2D Shape Vocabulary list and the 10 words on the following list.

Link Art - Visualization 

During your visit to the National Art Gallery you had the opportunity to discuss some of the paintings to help you understand what the artist had created.

Using your knowledge look at the following painting taken from the exhibition and create a paragraph/story on the painting. Remember to use some VCOP techniques.

You should include in your response:
  • who you think is in the picture
  • what they might be thinking/feeling
  • do you think the artist would have known them
  • what smells would be in the picture
  • what sounds might there be
  • whose garden is it - a public or personal garden
  • what time of the year it is
  • and in which country might it have been created.
Do you like / dislike the picture ? - why ?

Follow this link to the Impressionist Gardens Exhibition.


P7 H - Have tasks set up Maths website -

Each pupil has been provided with a unique sign-on using their 'purplebear13??' id

To login,

      1. Go the home page,
      2. Find the login box, top right
      3. Enter your Group Username: p7hquad, p7hrhom, p7hpar. 
      4. Enter your Password: 
      5. Click login, green button to submit 
      6. Then click your student name and enter your password 
      7. If you have set TASKS you will see these first, if none have been set then you have access to the default lessons and activities 
      8. Students have 24 hr access from school or home using the login above
Your task is to complete the set TASKS allocated 

Quadrilateral Group - Time Tables / 24 hour clock

Use activities set up on smart kiddies -

Rhombus - School Time Tables / Digital 12 hour time

Use activities set up on smart kiddies -

Parallelogram - School Time Tables / 12 hour time line

Use activities set up on smart kiddies -


Homework this week is to consolidate our work on Place Value.

Click on this link:

Choose Level 3 please.

Choose Level C please.

This is a tricky game! Be warned- you must read the instructions very carefully!

Parents, please sign pupils' homework jotters to evidence that they have done their maths homework task. Thank you!

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