Friday 15 January 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 18 Jan 2010



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on 'Homophones'. These may be found at:

(or you can use the link - and select the Homophones - 18 Jan list).

Research / Presentation

Our focus this term is divided between investigating Scotland and another country and also exploring the appliance of technology to improve our world.

Continue your research into an influential Scottish citizen who has made significant contribution to enhancing society.

You should be prepared to make a presentation of 1 to 2 minutes in length to inform the class about what you have discovered.

NOTE - This is the second week of this 2 week activity.

You may find the following websites helpful:

Numeracy & Mathematics

P7 A - The pupils have enjoyed using the new Maths website - collecting points which can be converted into rewards. Naturally, some have even looked for ways to 'cheat' the system and get points for free.

Tasks for the 5 groups has again been set up. (Tasks from last week are still available for review and to support consolidation in class).

See last weeks instructions on how to log-on

Note Triangle Group - you should revise times tables, in particular, 7, 8 & 9. remember you can also use your tutpup sign-on to support your learning.

P7 B - This week we are continuing to work on problem solving, linked to numbers.

You challenge is to make a series of calculations in order to reach a specific number. You don't need to use the timer straight away!

Can you make up a similar example for the other members of your group?

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