Friday 29 January 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 01 Feb 2010



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on those ending with 'tion' and 'sion'. These may be found at:

(or you can use the link - and select the Words ending in tion and sion - 1 Feb list).

Note - The list contains the word 'organization', using a z. Using a z in a word is considered to be American English. In UK English the preference is to use s - 'organisation'. Unfortunately, Spelling City only accepts 'organization'.

Other words where the s & z are interchanged are: summarise / summerize, emphasise / emphasize, apologise / apologize. However, not every ise/ize word can be interchanged, for example; capsize and disguise.

It is suggested you think of your audience when using s/z words and be consistent in your approach.

Scotland Project Work
You task is create a pamphlet which sells our great nation (Scotland) to the rest of the world. The pamphlet should:
  • Be based on A4 paper/card (folded as required).
  • Have a heading.
  • Use sub-headings.
  • You might use a catchy slogan.
  • Be clearly set out (in a logical way).
  • Contain information relevant to the audience.
  • Be eye catching -(attention grabbing pictures)
  • and well organised.
NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete this activity.

Numeracy & Mathematics
P7 A
Square Group - To look at rounding numbers with decimals. Use the following websites, (there is no equivalent in smart kiddies). - select 'Nearest 1, either reveal or input answer'.

Circle PLUS
Work through the examples on perimeter and area on:

Work through the examples on adding decimal numbers, try 1 decimal place (you might be confident to try 2 decimal places).

Work through the examples on using the weighing machine - read the scales. Try the 4 different scales.

Circle to continue using - collecting points which can be converted into rewards.

P7 B
Problem solving activities, linked to the work we are doing in class this week.

Websites are shown against each group -


PEACHES TODAY, PEACHES TOMORROW -Work in a systematic way, using your knowledge of fractions to complete challenges 1 and 2.


STICKS AND TRIANGLES -This challenge involves making triangles, using a given number of sticks.


ESTIMATING ANGLES - Your challenge is to estimate the size of angles. Use your knowledge of angles to help you.

Sunday 24 January 2010

Can you HELP P7a?

P7a have a weekly competition where points are allocated to each table for a variety of reasons; working on task, listening, teamwork, daily language problem etc.

It has been agreed by the class that the prize for the winning table should be to allow Dougie to sit with them. The best way to facilitate this would be to sit Dougie in a 'clip-on' high chair (see picture). I have tried to source one from charity shops but due to health & safety reasons they do not hold them. If anyone has said item lurking in the attic, garage etc, it would be fantastic if you could allow us to borrow it.

Thanks greatly for any support you can offer.

Saturday 23 January 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 25 Jan 2010

Scots Week
This week Buckstone will be celebrating all things Scottish. Focusing on favourites, such as music, poetry recitals and Scot's language. The children will then have the opportunity to share their work with the rest of the school at assembly on Friday.



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Words this week are based on the 'Scots Language'. Not surprisingly, these words cannot be hosted in SpellingCity, as it does not recognise our fine tongue.

The Scots language provides us with a wonderful source of words, often with no English equivalent. For example -

The children are to be encouraged to use the Scots words they discover through learning their Scottish themed poem. Consequently, there will be no formal spelling test.

You may find the following site helpful for listening to the pronunciation of some popular words:

An example of how another school has investigated Scots words is found at:

We would like compile a list of words and their meanings, but more importantly, adopt them into our everyday conversations.

Scots Themed Poem
This week you should select a Scottish themed poem, (written in Scots or about Scotland), which you should memorise, so that you can recite it to the class with 'expression' (applying your own interpretation to the work). This is a group activity.

Some examples of Scots poems may be found at:

which does include an audio link.

Numeracy & Mathematics

P7 A - The pupils continue to enjoy using the new Maths website - collecting points which can be converted into rewards.

Tasks for the 5 groups have again been set up. (Tasks from last week are still available for review and to support consolidation in class).

P7 B -

Website -


Carry out the calculations on the pyramid, using the strategies we have been discussing in class.

Begin with the middle level as a warm up, then carry on with the more challenging examples.


Select appropriate strategies to help you make the calculations on Level 3 of the website.


Select appropriate strategies to help you make the calculations on Level 3 of the website.

Using the pyramid idea, make up your own challenge for the other members of your group.(Do
remember to bring a copy of the completed pyramid with you on Thursday!)

Friday 15 January 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 18 Jan 2010



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on 'Homophones'. These may be found at:

(or you can use the link - and select the Homophones - 18 Jan list).

Research / Presentation

Our focus this term is divided between investigating Scotland and another country and also exploring the appliance of technology to improve our world.

Continue your research into an influential Scottish citizen who has made significant contribution to enhancing society.

You should be prepared to make a presentation of 1 to 2 minutes in length to inform the class about what you have discovered.

NOTE - This is the second week of this 2 week activity.

You may find the following websites helpful:

Numeracy & Mathematics

P7 A - The pupils have enjoyed using the new Maths website - collecting points which can be converted into rewards. Naturally, some have even looked for ways to 'cheat' the system and get points for free.

Tasks for the 5 groups has again been set up. (Tasks from last week are still available for review and to support consolidation in class).

See last weeks instructions on how to log-on

Note Triangle Group - you should revise times tables, in particular, 7, 8 & 9. remember you can also use your tutpup sign-on to support your learning.

P7 B - This week we are continuing to work on problem solving, linked to numbers.

You challenge is to make a series of calculations in order to reach a specific number. You don't need to use the timer straight away!

Can you make up a similar example for the other members of your group?

Wednesday 6 January 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 11 Jan 2010

Welcome back to a snowy Buckstone

This link will take you to some more fabulous photos



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group.

Learn Spelling Words for Thursday.

Words this week are based on 'Winter and Snow' vocabulary. These may be found at:

(or you can use the link - and select the Winter and Snow Vocabulary - 11 Jan list).

Research / Presentation
Our focus this term is divided between investigating Scotland and another country and also exploring the appliance of technology to improve our world.

You are to research into an influential Scottish citizen who has made significant contribution to enhancing society.

You will then need to prepare a presentation of 1 to 2 minutes in length to inform the class about what you have discovered.

NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete your research.

You may find the following websites helpful:

Numeracy & Mathematics

P7 A - Are piloting the use of a new Maths website -

Each pupil has been provided with a unique sign-on using their 'purplebear13??' id

To login,

      1. Go the home page,
      2. Find the login box, top right
      3. Enter your Group Username: p7asquare09, p7acircleplus, p7acircle, p7atriangle, p7arectangle.
      4. Enter your Password:
      5. Click login, green button to submit
      6. Then click your student name and enter your password
      7. If you have set TASKS you will see these first, if none have been set then you have access to the default lessons and activities
      8. Students have 24 hr access from school or home using the login above
Your task is to complete the set TASKS allocated. Review

P7 B Numeracy and Maths

This week we are working on problem solving activities linked to 2010, using a selection from the website below.

Carrying on with our group work in the classroom- If 2010 is the answer, what is the question?
Can you find six more interesting calculations? -Work on the activities which investigate dates in 2010.