Sunday 25 November 2012

P7 - Wed 28 November 2012

You have now been provided with a new reading book this week. You should read regularly, following the plan agreed by your Literature Circle Group.

You are to read the agreed number of chapters and be prepared to report back to the group following the format discussed in class whilst undertaking the role agreed by your group.

In addition everyone should be prepared to share any words they have found which are either unusual or you do not understand.

You MUST also provide a weekly prediction of what you think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 4th December.

Learn Spelling Words for Wednesday 5th Dec. Words this week are based on Energy. The pupils are investigating energy this week as part of Science week. These words may be found at:

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
  • research another 3 personal words (errors) from previous weeks / or 3 words of your choice.
Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

In addition you should add 2 personal words that you want to learn (these could be based on errors from previous weeks).

Science - Research / Presentation
This is WEEK 2 of this research.

This week is Science Week. In support of this
you are to research into an important current scientific breakthrough and report back to the class. This will support you in developing your understanding of the importance of Science in today’s world.

Your report can be based on a leaflet, powerpoint, poster or written report. These ‘documents’ are to support your findings to be shared with the class.
Areas you might want to investigate include:
  • Health/Medicine
  • Transport
  • Technology
  • Space
  • Power
NOTE - This is a 2 week activity. You have until the 5th Dec to complete your research.

You should also be prepared to explain to the class your research and include why you selected this particular break through to report on.Your talk should last at least 2 minutes.

Saturday 17 November 2012

P7 - Wed 21 November 2012

You have now been provided with a new reading book this week. You should read regularly, following the plan agreed by your Literature Circle Group.

You are to read the agreed number of chapters and be prepared to report back to the group following the format discussed in class whilst undertaking the role agreed by your group.

In addition everyone should be prepared to share any words they have found which are either unusual or you do not understand.

You MUST also provide a weekly prediction of what you think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 27th November.

Learn Spelling Words for Wednesday 28th Nov. Words this week are based on words with a prefix, (in, mis & im) which create an opposite word. These may be found at:

There are 28 words on the list - when you are tested there will be 14 words - you will be given a word and you will need to write the word with the appropriate prefix. For example if you are given the word 'placed' you answer with 'misplaced'.

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
  • research another 3 personal words (errors) from previous weeks / or 3 words of your choice.
Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

In addition you should add 2 personal words that you want to learn (these could be based on errors from previous weeks).

Science - Research / Presentation
 Next week, commencing 26th Nov it is Science Week. In support of this
you are to research into an important current scientific breakthrough and report back to the class. This will support you in developing your understanding of the importance of Science in today’s world.

Your report can be based on a leaflet, powerpoint, poster or written report. These ‘documents’ are to support your findings to be shared with the class.
Areas you might want to investigate include:
  • Health/Medicine
  • Transport
  • Technology
  • Space
  • Power
NOTE - This is a 2 week activity. You have until the 5th Dec to complete your research.

You should also be prepared to explain to the class your research and include why you selected this particular break through to report on.Your talk should last at least 2 minutes.

Numeracy and Mathematics

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have a task working with number - multiply x 10, 100 or divide by 10, 100 etc and number work- decimal / place value linked to class work.

Remember to target a score of 8/10 or better - until this is achieved the task will remain on your list.

This week all groups have 3 tasks.

P7 C -  This week in Mathematics and Numeracy P7C will be completing two tasks on position and compass points at ;

Remember you can also review your LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

P7 - Wed 14 November 2012

You have now been provided with a new reading book this week. You should read regularly, following the plan agreed by your Literature Circle Group.

You are to read the agreed number of chapters and be prepared to report back to the group following the format discussed in class whilst undertaking the role agreed by your group.

In addition everyone should be prepared to share any words they have found which are either unusual or you do not understand.

You MUST also provide a weekly prediction of what you think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 20th November.

Learn Spelling Words for Wednesday 21stth Nov. This weeks words are Maths vocabulary linked to place value which may be found at:

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
  • research another 3 personal words (errors) from previous weeks / or 3 words of your choice.
Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

In addition you should add 2 personal words that you want to learn (these could be based on errors from previous weeks).

Language - Summarising Skills/Functional Writing

Continue to create a pamphlet which sells Lagganlia. The criteria for the content and layout of the pamphlet are given on last weeks blog entry.
NOTE - This is the second week of this 2 week activity.

Numeracy and Mathematics

This weeks work is linked to speed and for a change is not on studyladder.

Use newspapers, the internet and other resources to find pictures of different types of vehicles, animals and people. You should rank them in order from slowest to fastest stating the fastest speed they can travel at. Find AT LEAST 10 examples.

You might want to track down some speeds which are world record speeds, eg fastest animal, car etc

For 2 of the transport choices you should find out how long it would take to travel to a destination of your choice.

For example
Travel to London by Bike - Speed 10 mph (miles per hour) - Distance (find from Google maps)   386 miles

Time = Distance / Speed  = 386 / 10 = 38.6 hours  = 38 hrs 36 mins

If you want paper to create a poster of your speed investigation then please come and ask.

Remember you can also review your LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.

Friday 2 November 2012

P7 - Wed 7 November 2012

After a fun filled week at Lagganlia, it is time to return to the indoor classroom which includes homework.

You will be provided with a new reading book this week. You should read regularly, following the plan agreed by your Literature Circle Group.

You are to read the agreed number of chapters and be prepared to report back to the group following the format discussed in class whilst undertaking the role agreed by your group.

In addition everyone should be prepared to share any words they have found which are either unusual or you do not understand.

You MUST also provide a weekly prediction of what you think will happen next. Remember you must provide your group with information from the text which supports your prediction. (You are able to explain why you think your prediction will occur).

REMEMBER - you will be reporting back to your group on TUESDAY 13th November.

Learn Spelling Words for Wednesday 14th Nov. Active Lagganlia vocabulary which may be found at:

These words are based on
  • activities you may have been involved in
  • how you work together and
  • how you feel.
We expect to see some of these words being used in your letters you will write to your instructors at Lagganlia.

Pupils working solely on the core list are expected to:
  • research another 3 personal words (errors) from previous weeks / or 3 words of your choice.
Remember if you spelt any words incorrectly, you will need to learn these so you can transfer them to your 'friendly' word list in your 'Helpful Spelling Jotter'

P7 Useful Word list
For those pupils working on Useful Words/Personal Spelling Words, they should learn words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

In addition you should add 2 personal words that you want to learn (these could be based on errors from previous weeks).

Language - Summarising Skills/Functional Writing
Having been to Lagganlia you will have an excellent knowledge of what makes it such a wonderful place to visit.

You task is create a pamphlet which sells Lagganlia. The pamphlet should:
  • Be based on A4 paper/card (folded as required).
  • Have a heading.
  • Use sub-headings.
  • You might use a catchy slogan.
  • Be clearly set out (in a logical way).
  • Contain information relevant to the audience.
  • Be eye catching -(attention grabbing pictures)
  • and well organised. 
You might what to include some details 'summarised' from the Lagganlia website - and some comments from visitors (ie you and your friends) about the 'fun' time you can have.

NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete this activity.

Numeracy and Mathematics

P7 H - Have tasks set up on the Maths website -
All groups have a task working with time - timetables & map work (distance) linked to class work.

Remember to target a score of 8/10 or better - until this is achieved the task will remain on your list.

This week all groups have 3 tasks.

P7 C -  This week in Mathematics and Numeracy P7C will be completing two tasks on position and compass points at ;

Remember you can also review your LEARN-ITS Follow the link to access copies of the Learn-Its tests.