Friday 31 December 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 10 Jan 2011

Welcome back to a snowy Buckstone

This link will take you to some more fabulous photos of exploding volcanoes from the last day of term. Enjoy!

Saturday 4 December 2010

P7 - Week Beginning 6th Dec 2010

Completion of Homework for

P7 - Week Beginning 29 Nov 2010  

We hope you have enjoyed your time discovering the delights of the snow but have also manged to find time to complete your homework. We have a significant amount of work to complete before the end of term.


As we did not have the opportunity to review the spelling words last week then spelling homework from last week will be carried over to this week. The remaining work for literacy, maths and structures of the earth is expected to be completed.  Well done to those pupils who have logged onto studyladder. - You may have seen a message indicating the way to sign-on is changing, this will be reviewed in class.


P7 - Week Beginning 6 Dec 2010  



Ongoing reading throughout the week, following the plan agreed by each Literature Circle Group. Remember to capture notes in your jotter in support of your allocated role; word wizard, summariser, character analyser, question writer or illustrator.


We will review your plans in class.


Words this week are based on words with a prefix, (in, mis & im) which create an opposite word. These may be found at:


The spelling list have now been fixed. Use the folowing links.


The list has 28 words, you will only be tested on 14 words, the words with the prefix, but during the weekly test you will be given the word without the prefix, you will need to decide what prefix to use.

Note - Spelling City is using a capital 'M' for Mobile - this is the proper noun for a city in the USA. You should use a lower-case 'm' - mobile.

For those pupils working on tricky personal spelling words, they should learn words 1 to 7 from the above list and the 7 words on the following list, which you have selected for your group.

P7H list
P7L list


Topic Work - Structures of the Earth

Construct a 3D model of a volcano. The model should show the features of a volcano - which should be labelled. (You may create a labelled diagram to support your model).

NOTE - You have 2 weeks to complete the construction of your volcano.

Follow this link to view some examples:


Remember to complete your studyladder maths from last week.

Some Snow Maths.

2 feet of snow.

Convert 2 feet of snow into:

To do this what will you first need to find?

I expect a lot of the snow has melted in your garden but there should be still enough to do the following.
Find where you still think it is deepest and measure the depth of the snow in centimetres.
Calculate how much snow there would be (volume) if your measured depth covered 1 metre square of ground.
How much does your volume of snow weigh? - Remember you don't need to weigh all the snow in your cuboid, think smart.

Is your depth of snow deeper than other areas in the UK. Have a look at the following link and see if you come close to having the deepest snow.